jueves, 27 de junio de 2019

Hi again! Now I'm gonna talk about my favourite book, "la ciudad está triste"

"la ciudad está triste", written by Ramón Díaz Eterovic. It is a police novel, set in the years of dictatorship in the country, where the atmosphere could feel heavier, with harsher and more tense ambients than one could imagine. Heredia, the main character must investigate the murder of a young university student, but when investigating the case finds links with more serious problems that are difficult to leave. I really like this book and the rest of this author for the way he relates the stories, from the melancholy of the main character, to how he perceives his surroundings with touches of pessimism and poetry. The way in which he explains events, places and sensations (personally) gives a great pleasure to the reader, which keeps him really focused at the moment of advancing in the story. The main character lives alone with his cat, in an apartment in the center of the city, where he has friendships with strange people or extravagant workers of Santiago. I recommend reading this book, personally I liked it and even at times I identified in the way of thinking of Heredia.

Some tech

Hi again,

The truth is I do not have a favorite electronic article .. being more precise, there is not something that I really like. I usually use my notebook and cell phone a lot to do almost all my things.
I like photography a lot, although I'm just an amateur. Anyway, my camera was damaged and I have not been able to repair it yet, so I could not take it back to the mountains. Maybe it's one of the few artifacts that I use in my hobby permanently. Although I find it fascinating to be able to take images of great resolution with different angles and approaches, for that you need a better equipment and above all more specialized focuses (such as macro, fish eyes, etc). In facts, the camera obutve because it was inherited, and I began to use it more consistently. As I wrote before, part of going to the mountains for me is taking pictures of beautiful natural landscapes that one can find, so I focused on that kind of photography.

True brothers

Hi again, in this chance I'm gonna talk about my best friend, José.
I met him un a geometry curse in Universidad de Santiago 10 years ago, when we were both teenagers in the highschool. In the beggining, i really hate him, because he doesn't stop talking and laughing in class when i was trying to keep my concentration on the teacher, but in one chance he asked me about an exercise and everything started in a fun friendship. 

Usually we always get together to play football, watch football matches and drink some beers; although we also had in mind musical projects that never materialized. José is a great friend, we both accompanied each other in bad times and we were able to get ahead, we have great anecdotes.

Now he's studying economics in his senior year, it's very nostalgic to see how he spent so much time in the blink of an eye.
Until today we are still in contact, compared to before, now we have more complicated lives but still try to see us from time to time. We have both changed a lot over the years but the essence of our friendship has not changed, it will always be just laughter and stupid things

martes, 18 de junio de 2019

A band

My music style is super varied, but I prefer rock in general. Most frecuently, I like punk, hardcore, indie rock and some grunge. In every style, I used to listen to The Cure, The Clash, Joy Division, Bloc Party, Foals, Title Fight, Basement,Black Flag, Bad Brains, and a lot more...

Right now I’m listening Cage The Elephant, their last álbum is amazing. I saw them 2 times, in 2012 and 2017 (both in Lollapalooza). They are an indie-alternative rock band from United States, but they started his carrer as a band in London in 2006. Indie rock is a genre of music that borne in US and UK, and is similar to alternative rock and some grunge, wanting to broke the “mainstream” music of the decades (in 90´s specifically) improving a counter-cultural meaning. When this genre emerged into the comercial industry, bands like The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys, The Hives and White Stripes leaded the genre in 00´s, now playing a “back to basics” versión of guitar.

The influences of Cage The Elephant are Pixies, Nirvana, QOTSA, and have similar sounds with Portugal. The Man. They released five albums, their last is called Social Clues (you need to listen this). His concerts are marked by his energic way to play his songs, totally different from his álbum (at least on my experience), having similar vibes as the concerts of Queens Of the Stone Age, another phenomenal band.

I attached a video of his performance in Chile, in 2017; when Matt (the vocalist) turns crazy.

Into the jungle

A walk that I want to do again is a Little trek in Punta Curiñanco reserve, at 20 kms of Valdivia in the coast. The first time was in January of this year, with my brother, sister, and brother in law. Is a short and easy trekking, and super beautiful. Inmerse in an abundant Valdivian jungle, you can see trees oh hundreds of years old, and I have the chance to listen a “Güiña”, a native cat of Chile (and by the way, it’s super hard to see him).
In that chance, my brother in law and my sister (both from Valdivia) took us to the park, we didn’t have idea about the existence of this minipark. Walking by the trails hearing the sound of the wind against the Woods, and at the same time the waves crushing into the rocks at the sea gaves you a pacefull sensation. In other path of the park, and maybe the most beautiful, ends in an olivillo forest (the olivillo is a native and ancestral tree of the valdivian jungle), was a stunning place.
If you have the chance to go to Valdivia, try to make this trek, it’s very short and easy, and near of the city.


viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Hi everyone,

Today i'm gonna talk about climbing/hiking hills and mountains, maybe my favourite hobbie right now. I started in the last year when we paralized our classes in May. I was in my house doing anything everyday, so I decided to climb a hill called "El carbón", in Santiago. I liked the experience, and becomes an usual activity of my weekends. This activity (or sport for others) needs a lot of implements, that depends on the climatic conditions and the altitude of the mountain, but the basics are the trekking shoes, comfortable clothes, and sunscreen. But if it's raining, snowing, or even if you need more than one day to make your expedition, you need to changes your implements in your backpack, with more specific instruments. In 5 months I climbed a lot of hills nearly of Santiago, and the highest one was "Cerro Provincia", and also was the most strenous; almost 10 hours hiking into the hills to reach the summit, but anyway.. after the injuries and bad times, was an amazing experience (the summit was snowy).
The implements that you need, if you go to the high mountains (what I want in a few years), are a good helmet, crampons for the ice, ice ax, good ropes and specialized clothing for the freezing conditions. When the conditions are more hard, your entire implements can change, you need to adapt to the conditions.

I attached a photo reaching the summit of "Cerro Pochoco", after a snowfall.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2019


Hi everyone. 

Sincerely, it's a little bit difficult to describe this photo, because takes personal moments and emotions with hard memories. This picture was taken in my sister's house, in Valdivia. My mom was living here for 7 months in treatment for a serius illness, and my older brother come to Chile from Boston to see her, and also have a chance to reunite everyone for a few days, was for national holidays.

I like it for the sentimental value, for me represents the love that we have for each other when you're having bad days and being far from your family every week, but the most important fact, it's the motivation to keep forward against every bad thing that  happen in your life. Today I see myself stronger than that day and I can say the same thing about my brothers and my mother. It's all about to keep moving, keep fighting, and living.

This pic was taken in september of 2018, and appears my sister Connie (Constanza), my mother Elisa, my brother Víctor, and me. Aesthetically, I don't like it too much, but has special memories of those days. A curious fact: Today i'm wearing the same clothes of this photo, but the differences are my beard, moustache, and my hair that is very longer of those days.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2019

The ideal job

My ideal job to do someday, is a park ranger. I like the outdoor lifestyle, and the protection of the ecosystems. Also I really like to go to the mountains and enjoy exploring his ambient. Some qualities that you need depends on the ambient of the park; if it's in the jungle, you need to protect yourself against the mosquito bites or some dangerous animals. Otherwise, if it's in the mountains, you need some aptitudes to survive there in an emergency case (like white winds). Other awareness that you need, it's about the local wildlife in the area; to protect the species and make studies from him. Maybe I'm not the best now but in a few years I would be good because I'm focused to gain a lot of experience climbing mountains and making big expeditions; but the most important thing, it's because I’m super concerned of the nature life, and I want to protect that.
Maybe the person that is my inspiration for this, it's a guy called Alexis, that I met in a volunteer job in a national park, a few years ago. Alexis is a park ranger from Nonguén national reserve, and he dedicated all of his life to protect the wild protected areas in Chile.

viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

Dragon Ball Z

When I was a kid, I used to watch Dragon Ball Z, an anime series that was emited in the 90's and the 00's (his emision started in 1989). It's about the life of Son Goku, a "saiyan" human who arrived in the earth when he was a little baby. The saiyan race are a strong type of humans who are always fighting in the space, conquering planets and solar systems. Son Goku was supposedly a low tier saiyan, so they sent him to the earth to conquer by himself; but everything goes wrong, an old man find him and he was raised as a human, with valors and good intentions, and obviously as a super fighter.
Along in the serie, Goku has to fight against stronger villians, always defending the earth with his friends and family. As the series progressed, Goku was increasing his power and skills; and also he has two son and even he dies, but he resucitate with the dragon balls invocating a giant and magic dragon who makes your desires, what a crazy stuff.

In some moments of the serie, we can see kindly moments of the characters, but in others the fights are super heavy. I enjoyed that because I saw it with my older brothers, it makes nostalgic feels in my self, good memories of my childhood.

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019


Hi again,

A city i'd like to visit is Reykjavik, in Iceland; because it's super beatiful and the idea of country in Iceland is super good. The people has a special care of his native animals and the environment in general. The landscapes around the city are amazing, the big mountains and glaciers make this an unique place on earth. Some of this landscapes was showed in Game Of Thrones, and it was stunning.

Reykjavik is the cleanest city in the world, and that's beacuse his citizens took a culture for mantain clean his place with no pollution. 

Inside the city, we can find a lots of museums and outdoors concerts of diferent styles;  and are open to the people everytime. One of the most important things to me is the population, this city (for be a capital) is super little populated, and I prefer quiet cities over the big ones.

 Resultado de imagen para reykjavik

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

Hi everyone. My name is Joaquín, i'm 23 years old. I'm studying geography, in my 3rd semester. I'm from Santiago, and I lived my entire life in this city. I'm living with my mother; my sister is living in Valdivia, and my brother in Boston. I like to climb mountains and play football, also I used to train marcial arts, maybe someday I'll be back.